Hi, I'm Vicki
I help creative freelancers achieve life-work balance without sacrificing their income, by helping them set up systems that give them hours back in their day. Every day.
When I first started my freelancing business, it was exhausting.
I was trying to do All.The.Things. Every day I was marketing on every platform, networking, hanging out in Facebook groups, replying to job posts on Upwork and Fiverr. I spent way more time with all the 'hustle’ than I actually did paid work. Perhaps you can relate.
When I did book a Client, I'd focus myself 100% on them. I was all in. But then, as soon as the project was finished I’d be hustling to find work again because I hadn’t done any marketing in weeks while I was with the Client. Same thing happened if I took some time off. The stress of these huge peaks and troughs was huge.
I came to realise that I wasn't really a freelancer (and neither are you, FYI). I was a CEO and I needed to start acting as such. And when I changed my approach, my results changed too.
Today I’m able to get a constant stream of leads and Clients without the 'hustle'. I’ve streamlined my processes so much, that I’m able to generate more profit, in half the time.
Plus, I’m able to take on more Clients than before, without feeling burned out….or leaving my Clients feeling unloved.
The best part? From the outside, it looks as though I’m everywhere. Every week I’m showing up on 5 social media channels, running a Facebook Group, creating weekly videos, emailing my list, submitting proposals, welcoming new Clients and nurturing old relationships. But in reality, it takes me less than 5hrs per week, allowing me the freedom I craved, allowing me to travel the world and spend time with family.
Ready to start being the ceo your business needs?
The Good News...This Doesn't Just Work for Me
The strategies I've used in my business can be applied to any freelance design business. Whether you're a graphic, web, branding, fashion designer. Even if you're a creative writer, photographer or content creator - if you have a business that offers creative services to Clients, I'd love to help you transform your business too and get you hours back in your day.
Email contact@vickiwallis.com
Or click here to schedule a discovery call.